Oh horror of horrors, I was black and white!

Mr Wizard saw our dismay and gave us each a pair of glasses. When we put them on all color was restored. What a relief! However, take them off and all was black and white again. We decided to keep them on as much as possible.

We were taking a short nap when we were awakened by a thump, then another thump. It sounded like it was coming from inside the starship. We heard another even louder thump, then the lights flickered and went out. We were sitting in complete darkness. And the thumping was getting closer.
Fred found a laser light and switched it on. The thumping was so loud and so close, but we could see nothing. We panicked.
Being frightened out of our fabric and not at all thinking clearly, we ran out of the starship and as far away as we could. To our relief the thumping hadn’t followed us. But we’d left our special colorizing glasses behind and everything looked alike in black and white. We realized we were hopelessly, dismally, indubitably lost.
To be continued...
Monochromatic Hugs,
Miss Chloe ♥