Penny and I were shocked when we arrived at the dock. There was a tired old boat where a cruise ship should have been. We debated over going, or going home. Did we want to venture forth on a banana boat or go home to the cuddle. We finally decided to go forth, mainly because Fred and Charlie were begging us to. They said the SS Bearington had almost all the amenities of a cruise ship.
Not! The SS Bearington is no cruise ship, or anything that remotely resembles a cruise ship. My mink wrap was totally out of place. And so was I.
However, being the good sport that I am, decided to forego my fur for a sarong and flip-flops. (But I’ll never not wear my diamond earrings!) Penny also packed away her lovely shawl and surrendered herself to wearing more appropriate attire.
Our first port of call is a tiny little island, somewhere in the middle of the south pacific. It’s called Bwanha-Hana. Its inhabitants are very strange indeed. They drink a lot of Orange Crush and give offerings to a volcano. I’m not sure about this place. It’s a bit spooky. I’ll be glad to get back on the Bearington. Never thought I’d be saying that.
Our next stop is, well I’m really not sure. The crew were a bit vague when we asked.
The weather, however, has been lovely. I’m wearing my large safari hat to protect myself from the sun. I wouldn’t want to fade.
Sorry, but I haven’t found any postcards, or for that matter, any souvenir shops. I don’t see any other tourists, either.
The locals are gathering for some sort of parade up the mountain to the volcano. How curious. They’ve invited us to go along. They’re all dressed up and insist we do the same. We’ve accepted, of course. It’d be rude not to. I think I’ll wear my fur.
So we’re off on another adventure.
I’ll try to write from our next port of call, wherever that may be.
Miss Chloe
The locals are gathering for some sort of parade up the mountain to the volcano. How curious. They’ve invited us to go along. They’re all dressed up and insist we do the same. We’ve accepted, of course. It’d be rude not to. I think I’ll wear my fur.
So we’re off on another adventure.
I’ll try to write from our next port of call, wherever that may be.
Miss Chloe