Yes, we’re still on Bwanha-Hana. For several days the captain of the Bearington and most of his crew were no where to be found. As it happens, they were off on a drinking binge. They apparently consumed large quantities of Orange Crush, then had to sleep it off.
Meanwhile, we paraded up the mountain with the happy locals. It was a very unusual parade, I must say. Lots of strange singing. It was a long parade and a long walk, my feet were hurting. But we finally arrived at the top, where we could look right in to the volcano.
Then the chief asked the most curious question. He wanted to know if we’d like to donate ourselves to the greater good, by jumping in. Penny and I thought it was a lovely compliment. After some thought the fellas suggested that perhaps we should graciously decline, though agreed it was a flattering offer. Penny and I didn't argue the point. We told the chief how appreciative we were, then scurried back down the mountain, well ahead of the parade. I’d completely forgotten about my sore feet!
We were so glad to be back on flat land, I must admit, we too indulged in a few too many Orange Crushes.
Bwanha-Hana is a most peculiar island, and I can’t say that we’ll miss it. We have no idea where we’re headed next, but we’re hoping our next port of call will be a little tamer and a lot more relaxing.
Till then.
Miss Chloe
Oh, yesterday we were introduced to Spencer the spider. A very nice gent. Very interesting and amazingly worldly. We all took to him right off. After a bit of persuading, he’s agreed to come along with us, on our voyage. Isn’t that lovely. We've made a new friend!