Fred won the lottery!
I didn't even know he played the lottery.
So Charlie, Penny, Fred, and I are off on a world cruise. We're sailing on the SS Bearington.
Our bags are all packed and we leave this evening. Maybe we'll even get to go on safari!
I'm wearing my diamond earrings and my lovely fur stole. Penny will wear her favorite lovely shawl, with flowers in her hair (she's our little hippy). Fred will wear his top hat and spats and Charlie is going to wear his best bow tie and cufflinks. And, of course, Charlie will be bringing his camera. After all, we'll be world travelers, so we need to look the part.
My lady is sad to hear we're going away, but also very happy for us. The cuddle has promised to keep her company while we're gone.
We will miss the cuddle so very much, and my lady, but we'll be back.
Oh I am so excited! I should be napping with the cuddle right now, but I simply can't sleep. I am just too excited!
I'll try to write as often as I can, that is if I can find a computer to borrow. Maybe on the ship.
I made this lovely collage last night, of me! It's big big big! To keep you from missing me too much, while we're away. I hope you like it. I also did my blog ocean blue, just for you!
I don't even know what our first port of call will be. I don't know which way we're sailing. But it doesn't matter. It'll all be so lovely.
What an adventure we'll have!
I must run. Penny needs help choosing which flowers to wear in her hair, Charlie can't find the spare batteries for his camera, and Fred is looking for a cane to take. I think he thinks he's Fred Astaire. What would they do without me!
Bon Voyage, my friends!
Group Hug,
Miss Chloe