He then shouted April Fool! I was so relieved to find he’d just wrapped himself in fur and wasn’t permanently affixed in fur. Wish I had my camera with me. He was quite the sight, dripping in tiny pieces of different colored furs.
We had all agreed, no more April Fool jokes, as they were getting totally out of hand. But not Fred, who dances to the beat of a different drummer. Which makes him his lovable self, and my main squeeze. He’s yummy!
Fred and I strolled around the garden afterwards, and after he unwrapped himself of all that fur. It was chilly out, but otherwise quite lovely. I like chilly nights. Fred always puts his arm around me to keep me warm. Yummy yummy.
We were looking for Carl, but couldn’t find him. We did, however, have a very nice chat with a strange fellow sitting in a tree. At first all we could see was his grin. Then his face appeared, then the rest of him. He was uncommonly colorful. How very odd. We chatted a while with this fancy gentleman. He was very friendly. Then he started vanishing, little by little, until once again we could see only his grin. Then poof, it was gone as well. We were very confused.
In the wee small hours of the night, when all the cuddle was fast asleep, I mused about our little adventure and made this picture.
I also wrote a poem:
Tiny little bubbles of green
festively adorn each tree
While birdies flutter this way and that
with mouthfuls of nests to be.
Mason bees busy at work
helping flowers grow
As tree frogs sing their endless song
in the valleys below.
I hear and I see
as never before
life rebirthing
just out my door.
Miss Chloe