I was enjoying my little soak, though I would have much preferred flowers to herbs and veggies, when it started raining in torrents. Fred was on a nearby cliff, closely examining an Artocarpus mariannensis, when he heard me shriek. Yes, dainty me shrieked, the rain was spoiling my bath! Without hesitation Fred grabbed hold of a vine, swung down and swooped me from my rapidly cooling bath. How gallant of him!
The locals didn’t seem too happy with Fred, or with me. Perhaps we offended their generosity. Though I dislike offending anyone, I dislike cold baths even more. If not for our language barrier I certainly would have apologized.
Fred and Charlie went spelunking this morning. They discovered a cave and just had to go exploring. Very daring of them, I must say.
Deep down in the cave they found a lake. A lake! And it was somehow naturally lit. They said it was beautiful.
Charlie was about to take a picture of the lovely lake, when something emerged from it. He said it was blue with bulging eyes, a long neck and a bulbous body with scaly protrusions all over. Fred and Charlie gasped and ran. It made an odd noise, Charlie looked back to find it just inches away, staring at him, upside down! It had jumped onto the roof of the cave and suctioned itself there. His camera still in hand, Charlie quick took a picture, then ran to catch up with Fred, who was already at the cave entrance, wondering why Charlie wasn’t.
Even though they thought it quite the intriguing adventure, they won’t be going back. Penny and I are ever so glad.
The engine is nearly fixed and the captain is optimistic we’ll be sailing soon. He’s been studying the stars and his charts, in hopes of finding his way back to civilization. Not that the Waputians aren’t civilized, well perhaps they’re not totally civilized, but very cordial and attentive to their visitors, though I’m gathering they haven’t had many. Where was I, oh, the stars and charts. The captain thinks he may have pinpointed our location and hopes to get us back on course. We’re keeping our paws crossed.
Lovely as it is, we eagerly await our departure from Koko-Waputa-Kiki.
Miss Chloe