On our last day on the island a crew member winked at a maiden. Word got back to the chief, who went into a rage. A large band of Waputians then chased us all down to the beach, into our lifeboat and out to the banana boat, which I like to think of as our makeshift cruise ship. They chanted furiously from the shore. What they said, we haven’t a clue, and perhaps that’s for the best. They looked quite angry.
We immediately took up anchor and set sail in the direction the captain thought would get us back on course.
After several days he realized we weren’t exactly where he’d hoped, but maybe close to. He didn’t elaborate and we really didn’t want to ask.
So we are wandering about somewhere in the South Pacific. It’s been lovely, very relaxing, and the weather has been most delightful. We spend most of our time on deck and in deck chairs. Though the other day we did play a rousing game of shuffleboard, for a bit of exercise. We’re getting a bit chubby from all this lollygagging.
We’ve passed many small islands that look ever so intriguing, but haven’t as yet put down anchor. We’re hoping to soon. They all look so lovely, and we four would love to be on solid ground for a bit.

Penny is suffering from a bit of a malady. We’re not sure what it is, but she’s been feeling very much under the weather. We’re all concerned, although Penny tells us not to worry. I think what she needs is some cheering up. So I have a plan.
Remember in Peter Pan, when Tinkerbell was ill and everyone clapped their hands to make her well again?
If all of you sent happy thoughts and clapped your hands, I'm sure Penny would be feeling better in no time. Fred agrees, as does Charlie, who is beside himself with worry. Poor Charlie, he feels so helpless. Penny is his world.
So won’t you help us help Penny? I’m sure it’d make her well again.
The captain just told us we’ll be going ashore on one of these islands real soon, as we need to replenish our supplies. We're nearly out of fresh water and bananas. Hopefully we’ll find some of both.
And maybe some adventure!
But first Penny needs to get well.
Miss Chloe