I'm Miss Chloe..

..philosopher, poet, daydreamer, adventurer.
But mostly I'm a carefree flibbertigibbet!
I and my lovely companions Penny, Charlie,
and my sweetheart Fred
have taken to the roads, seas, and skies
in search of adventure.
Come along with us on our psychedelic journeys!
Warm Hugs,
Miss Chloe

To the Stars and Beyond

Penny is feeling much better. Thank you all for your happy thoughts and clapping your hands. It really worked!

We all received some happy news, which came just moments ago.

The Galactic Wizard has invited us on a starship ride, and we have eagerly accepted!

To boldly go where no bear has gone before.

Charlie, Penny, Fred, and I are heading into the unknown, for the most exciting adventure of our lives.

We're all packed and ready to go. I wasn't sure what to pack, or wear on a starship. So I packed it all and am wearing my finest attire, my fur stole and my diamond earrings. Penny is wearing her best shawl with flowers in her hair, Charlie his best bow tie and cufflinks, and Fred is wearing his top hat and spats.

I’m so excited. We’re all so excited!
We're off!
Fare thee well...

Super Galactic Hugs,
Miss Chloe