We're putting on a play tonight, Peter Pan! My absolute favorite!
Fred is playing Peter, Charlie plays Captain Hook, Penny is Tinker Bell, and I'm Wendy Darling. Charlie and Fred spent hours hooking up this swingy thingy so Fred, I mean Peter, can literally fly on stage. I can't wait to see Fred fly!
Our last play was Romeo and Juliet. Charlie was Romeo and Penny played Juliet. Their acting was sublime. They were spot-on with their speeches. It was wonderful.
Penny got to pick our last play and chose Romeo and Juliet. She’s always wanted to play Juliet. It was my turn to choose, and I picked Peter Pan because I’ve always wanted to play Wendy Darling. Oh what fun we’re going to have!
Fred and Charlie fixed our treasure map and it looks better than new. I wonder how they did that. And I don't see any blue stuff out our attic window. Oh, well.
Gotta run, the audience is getting restless.
Tell me to Break a Leg!!!
Miss Chloe