Friday was my birthday and the cuddle threw me a surprise party. It was a grand party, with hats, balloons, games and cake! Penny brought cupcakes, which were divine. We played pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, one of my favorite games. And we danced until dawn.
The cuddle got together and gave me a mink wrap. Isn’t it ever so lovely! And it goes perfectly with my diamond earrings. Charlie took this picture.
Last night was our regular Saturday night dance. We were a bit tired from the previous night’s festivities, but we all enjoyed the evening. We so love to dance.
I told you about the treasure map Charlie found a few days ago. Well, Charlie decided to clean it, as it was dirty and hard to read. After sponging it off, Charlie decided to dry it in my lady’s clothes dryer. Poor Charlie, he’s so embarrassed. He nearly destroyed our priceless map. But we let him know it was okay, putting his mind at ease.
Fred and Charlie are now trying to salvage what’s left.
Miss Chloe