Hello! I'm Miss Chloe.. ..philosopher, poet, daydreamer, adventurer. Bear-extraordinaire! But mostly I'm a carefree flibbertigibbet! I and my lovely companions Penny, Charlie, and my sweetheart Fred have taken to the roads, seas, and skies in search of adventure. Come along with us on our psychedelic journeys! Warm Hugs, Miss Chloe
Happy Almost Birthday to Me!
Tomorrow is my birthday! I'm so excited. The cuddle is throwing me a surprise birthday party. Don't tell them I know! There'll be cake and ice cream, dancing and party games, and presents! Oh, how I love presents. I'm so excited I can't sleep!!! My age? Ladies never tell. Hugs, Miss Chloe
WE DANCE Life is good in the home where I live. My lady is light and bright and giving. She loves to dance and play and sing. One day, long ago, she wished upon a star. The wish came to be, and the cuddle came to life. We rarely cross paths, as we love the night and she the day. But every once in a while, every now and then, we dance. And the world stops spinning for that magical moment. Warm Hugs, Miss Chloe
Cuddle Corners, State of Tranquility, United States